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Our Services

Relocate to another country … a good service is essential for your employees. Use our experience … we will guide you


Consultation prior to relocation

Getting to know you. Employees from different countries and cultures have different expectations and needs. A comprehensive dialogue with the employee before the posting conveys the feeling of how important he is to the business. It allows for a relaxed trip and evens the path into the new unfamiliar environment.

Orientation tour

First impressions are often crucial. The employee and his family should get the chance to familiarise themselves with the surroundings and customs in the new host country. This way we can set the course for a successful posting. FRM provides useful insights about the future setting tailored to the individual needs of your assignee. We show him and his family residential areas, schools, shopping facilities and introduce them to the practical aspects of everyday local life.

Finding a school

„Which school should my children attend?” One of the most important questions for the employee and his family. FRM provides profound advice and outlines the various options. The success of the posting can hinge on finding the right school. It is a crucial element in determining the location of the new home

House hunting

For the employee to function effectively in his new working environment his personal surrounding and the private setting must agree with him. FRM assist him in choosing the right property in a suitable location. We help you to get along with the little things that can turn out to be vital. How to operate the heating, the washing machine, the dryer. How do I get phone and internet connections  etc.


Regardless of whether EU citizen, non-EU citizen with visa-free entry or non-EU citizen with entry visa requirements FRM is your competent partner. Many years of experience and good personal contacts to the local authorities make the immigration process much easier.

This point is of particular importance to your business. You do not want your employee to work without a valid work permit or have him wait for weeks before obtaining the go-ahead.

Important phone numbers and addresses

A child needs a doctor. Where is the nearest hospital. What is the emergency number for the police. Once relocated the problems and challenges of daily life start. FRM help in coping with the trials of day-to-day life to ensure the personal contentment of your employee and his family. Your employee will thank you in the long run.